Wednesday, April 2, 2008

If Anyone Finds A Banana in Midtown, It's Mine

The other day I was starving but only had a buck in my pocket, so I walked to a street vendor selling fruit to buy a banana. The dude was selling them for 50 cents each!

I remember when bananas were like five fer a buck (I miss the good ol' days).

Though I was pissed, I was also hungry, so I bought two. After finishing one, I reached into my pocket to retrieve the other.

It was gone.

Then I was really pissed.

Rock On,



Bee said...

Not to brag but I just had a banana and an orange.
Yeah, I'm rich like that.

Okay, I guess I am bragging.

Harris said...

hey bee,

tell me bee...what's an orange like?

rock on,


Kathy said...

My husband won't grocery shop with me much anymore because I complain loudly at the register about the price of fruit and veggies. Especially apples. They're like a dollar each!!! WHA??? And my state is one of the leading apple-producers! They should be like a quarter. I know, I know, there are bigger injustices in the world. Still...

Thanks for letting me vent. Assuming you don't think I'm a crazy person.

Harris said...

hey kathy,

apples are a dollar each?

i had no idea -

remindsme of episode of Arrested Developement when Lucille mentions that some product are like 10 bucks each, and Michael goes, "You've need been food shopping before, have you?"

i just hope that half-an-apple a day is enough to keep the doctor away.

rock on,


Kathy said...

Yep. Something like 89 cents each. I try to get them on sale. It's criminal, isn't it?

Josh Homer said...

in midtown apples are $1.25, in Soho they are 2 for $1. In any other city you can get a bucket of them for about $6. It's the price you pay to live in the city