Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Memo to Self: You're An Idiot

I have my annual physical today at 5. I have no idea why I scheduled it for so late in the day as I can't eat or drink for eight hours before.

Wait...I know why...cause I'm an idiot.

Rock On,



Anonymous said...

Two p.m. is good. That means you get in at 3, then get OUT, and to your cooler of icy cold beers in the car at 5 p.m. As the universe intended.

Harris said...

hey ellie,

car? what's a car?

hey sarah brooks,

nah...i ate oatmeal, which i dont noramally eat, but wanted something substantial. Bought it at deli near office - i swear, best oatmeal in history...they must make it with heavy cream...or pudding.

rock on,


molly said...

but you're a smart guy for getting an annual physical, so that weighs it out...

Harris said...

hey molly,

thanks...i really only went due to a lingering pain in my side, which my doctor swears isn't cancer or a bullet.

i'm not convinced.

rock on,
