Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Greatest Generation?

At the dog run the other day, I was talking to a thrice-married, late-fourties, early fifties year old gentleman. The topic of money came up.

"You know what I'd do if I had a lot of money?" He asked me.
"I'd spend it on prostitutes. Not the cheap hooker-types... high priced prostitutes."

When we parted ways, I wished I'd asked him if he'd ever shared his dream with any of his wives... or maybe that's why he was also divorced three times.

Rock On,



Deb Rox said...

They are the greatest,they think big, they think sales, they think rewards, they sleep fine at night regardless of what happened during the day. What will we come to without them? Taking care of them is worth every last dime of the social security budget.

Harris said...

Hey Deb,

I'm assuming by your sarcasm, that you, like me, think the whole "greatest generation" concept is a bunch of crap.

Hope you're maxing out your 401K contribution.

Rock On,
