Monday, March 31, 2008

How I Picture My Girlfriend Telling Her Mom About Me Given Our Disparate Upbringings and My Fascination with 80's Teen Comedies

So mom, I'm going out with this guy.

No, he's not from around here. He's from the other side of the tracks. Please don't judge him before getting to know him as he's never been given a break in his life. His background? Well, his parents were divorced when he was three, he grew up with his mom, and on welfare.

No, he's not a criminal, though he does maintain a tough exterior which covers a heart of gold. I think he's just afraid of letting anyone in.

Yes, he has a job. He's a writer and performs stand-up comedy.

Yes, he went to college... one of the city schools, and he had to work in a fast food restaurant to pay his tuition.

No, he isn't Mexican.

No, he doesn't have an MBA, or any Masters from an Ivy League school like myself, but that's just not his thing, he doesn't really care about money or status... Don't look at me like that! He marches to the beat of his own drummer.

Yes, he has dreams and goals, though the other day he told me that for the foreseeable future he just wants to hang with me. I thought that was cool, though I can see you're none too pleased. We met online, though he told me he was afraid to write because he didn't think a girl like me would go out with a guy like him. When we finally started talking, were both kind of reserved at first, but we soon realized that even though we're from two different worlds, we both had our own problems.

No, I don't know where he summers. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even own a summer home. In fact, I don't think his family owns their first home.

My friends? Well, they think I'm going through a phase and will come to my senses, but they don't understand. Jimmy's actually stopped talking to me. Oddly enough, his friends aren't thrilled with me either.

I know, weird.

Oh yeah, one other thing, he's a Jew.

Rock On,



Anonymous said...

"...all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn without a noise, without my pride I reach out from the inside

In your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes"

Josh Homer said...

I can picture her mom saying, "AT least he's not black"

Yes I'm a racist.

Harris said...

hey anonymous,

great, now i'll have that in my head all day, while i picture a boombox above my head.

hey josh homer,

nah...that's MY mom..kiddin'

rock on,


Anonymous said...

So when are you guys gettin married?

Harris said...

hey "anonymous,"

Josie...this is no way to find out.

rock on,


Anonymous said...

You can propose while you sing "in your eyes" you do have the words written above for you after all..romantic...or wait until next valenties days...chicks LOVE getting proposed to on valentines day over a box of chocolate and red roses...and when you call them chicks

Harris said...

hey anonymous,

Nahhh... that would be too corny for Josie.

If it happens, I'll prolly...actually, that could make for a good post - "Ways I Plan To Propose"

Rock On,


Anonymous said...

You should train Stewie to be involved..I bet he has some good ideas.

Josh Homer said...

I hate to a debbie downer, but never propose on a holiday (including their birthday) because if the wedding is called off you can't get the ring back. They can claim it was a gift based on the holiday and not a symbol of a contract to get married.


Harris said...

hey anonymous,

i would but stewie's not talking to me at the moment.

wait - who's proposing?!?

hey josh homer,

ummmm, right.

rock on,


Josh Homer said...

what? I have a lawyer friend who gave me some unsoliciated advice (Like I am giving you now) when I decided to get married.

Anonymous said...

Who says romance is dead!?!

Harris said...

hey guys,

who says I'M gonna be the one to propose anyway?!? Josie's got some feminist tendencies.

Maybe she'll ask ME on a scoreboard at some ballpark.

rock on,


Anonymous said...

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Feminist or not, she does NOT want to propose to you. Proposing to a guy is almost as cruddy as getting proposed to on a scoreboard...put the 2 together...ewwww

Harris said...

hey anonymous,

really? THAT'S the dumbest thing you've ever heard?

awww c'mon - there's definitely dumber stuff out there.

rock on,


Anonymous said...

Really, really.