Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Few Stand-Up Notes...

I've had three shows since returning from's something I took from each....

1 - Tuesday night, Gotham - I'm willing to bet a certain comic who opened his set with a joke about Heath Ledger's death will first ask if there are any Aussies in the crowd in the future, before opening with a joke about Heath Ledger's death.

I've heard groans before at a show (sometimes at my jokes), but never boos...until Tuesday night.

2 - Wednesday night, a bar in Astoria -I feel the same getting laughs from 12 people in a bar basement in Astoria, Queens as I do at Gotham with 150-200 people in the audience.

3 - Friday Night, Gotham - hosted the early bringer show - 12 peeps in audience -

Within two minutes of doing crowd work at the top of the show, I told an audience member to go on with her story as "We have plenty of time and I ain't got that much material."

I'm not sure, but I think someone to the left of the stage muttered "You can say that again."

(Here's my internal thought process when typing that.....

"Great self-deprecating quote, Harris! Your readers are prolly telling themselves, "Wow... no one who sucks would admit hearing such a thing. You're like some kind of marketing genius! They prolly even think you're better than you are! But be careful big guy...too many of these kinda comments and they can't help but assume you suck. Hmmm... now that I think of it, how many times have I blogged poor reviews? Not that you're bad or anything, but c'mon...should you really be putting anything negative on your blog about your act? I mean, sure, your friends who've seen your act know the deal, but what about the mimi's and the dorkie-she's out there? And the lurkers? Oh my God, what about the lurker's?!?
That's more blogging at midnight on Saturday when you're exhausted")

Rock On,



Josh Homer said...

the first rule of comedy I was taught (not that their are really rules) was never make fun of your act. Make fun of yourself, your clothes, the audience even, but never your act.

Harris said...

hey josh homer,


though I'd have to say the first rule HAS to be "be funny" - pretty much every sin will be forgiven if yer funny enough...well, besides murder.

rock on,
