Ah, back just in time to vote. Your wedding was amazing! Hope you had a great postmarital trip (?) as well, look forward to yer tales. P.S.- Didn't you change your name to "Harris Fancypants"?
I'm a comedian, a writer, and an accountant. Guess which one I'd like to quit.
Not only do I perform at comedy clubs but am experienced at helping to organize and perform at fundraisers and benefits, so if you would like to schedule one, and can use a comic to help, feel free to e-mail me at harrisbloom@yahoo.com. Thanks!
Welcome home!
Mr. Harris Bloom. How does that sound?! Are you getting used to it?
hey kirsten,
It still feels weird. how goes it? actually, i'll check out yer blog (later)
Rock On,
Ah, back just in time to vote. Your wedding was amazing! Hope you had a great postmarital trip (?) as well, look forward to yer tales.
P.S.- Didn't you change your name to "Harris Fancypants"?
hey shirley,
yup, i did...though in nueva york (i'm still on mexican time) my vote really doesn't count.
oh, yeah, i forgot - prolly should tell josie her new name.
rock on,
Harris! I know you're not into this kind of stuff, but get over it and check out my blog. I have something for you. Consider it a wedding gift.
hwy kirsten,
i looked...i didn't see nutin'
rock on,
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