Saturday, November 24, 2007

Don't Leave Home Without It, Indeed

So after having a difficult morning yesterday with Josie (No, I don't wanna talk about it), I took the wrong keys with me to work.


Of course I didn't realize it until I was entering my building. Normally, that wouldn't be such a big deal as I could either go to Josie and get her keys or, if she's to be home soon, just wait for her. The problem was that she was going to visit her family for the night.

Double ouch.

After asking if the management office was open (they have a master key) - they weren't - I panic-called Josie, the only other person with a key, only to find out she was already on the bus to Pennsylania.


With no other option, I was about to call a locksmith to break in to my own apartment. There goes another 200 bucks. That's what I paid not three months ago when I locked myself out. I know, I'm an idiot.

Before I called, I thought I'd try picking the lock. Of course I tried that the last time to no avail, but I figured it couldn't hurt.

I pulled out my American Express card, slid it in, tried the door. Nothing. Tried to slide it up and down, kept trying the door when...


It opened.

Good to know that if this whole lil comedy thing doesn't work out, I can search for work as a low-level thief.

Rock On,



Anonymous said...

You might wish to consider calling a locksmith anyway for some additional security measures because if someone like you with zero mechanical aptitude was able to open the door with an AMEX, imagine how easy a trained burglar could do it.

Harris said...

Hey anon (if that is your real name),

I would agree with ya, but I live in a secure building (tough to get in) and I have nothing of value to take.

rock on,
