Just When You Think You've Seen (And Heard) It All...
I went to a really odd open mic Friday, and you know if I thought a mic was "odd," that's really saying something. Let's just say that this dude above wasn't the oddest act.
I was telling a bud about it when he said. "Big deal...I was doing a show when these five blind albinos walked in...and then it got weird."
I was at the open mic with you. I wonder if at the mic with the albinos did the comics also not have any punch lines and then get angry because no one was laughing.
true example at our mic: "so i heard they were going to make pope the 2nd a saint. man you comics...."
I'm a comedian, a writer, and an accountant. Guess which one I'd like to quit.
Not only do I perform at comedy clubs but am experienced at helping to organize and perform at fundraisers and benefits, so if you would like to schedule one, and can use a comic to help, feel free to e-mail me at harrisbloom@yahoo.com. Thanks!
I was at the open mic with you. I wonder if at the mic with the albinos did the comics also not have any punch lines and then get angry because no one was laughing.
true example at our mic:
"so i heard they were going to make pope the 2nd a saint. man you comics...."
just another mic...
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