Friday, August 3, 2007

The Sickest Gift Ever?

As anyone who knows me, or has seen my act, knows, I don't always get the greatest gifts.

My last girlfriend was awesome at disappointing in the gift category (I was awesome at disappointing in every other way). Here are my favorite Christmas/Birthday gifts she gave me...

two air purifiers (is that a gift? Or a hint?)
sushi plates and chopsticks (that would be like me buying her a football phone)
a watch...Now, you wouldn't think a watch would be a bad gift, except for one thing... she got me the same watch I already owned. Why would she do such a thing? The window on my watch had broken and it had stopped. She thought it was a goner. $30 later, I had two of the same watch. (btw - anyone wanna buy a watch?)

I'd almost prefer she just did what my mom still does...gimme a card with 20 bucks in it.

ANYWAY, now that I got me a new chick, I have high hopes once again... a lot like how I'm sure Wile E. Coyote has high hopes every week of catching the road runner.

Josie went to Vermont last weekend, and promised to bring me back "the sickest gift ever."


Talking to her, she reiterated how "ridiculous" (in a good way) it was.


Upon returning, the first time I saw her, she forgot it... no biggie, but I was getting more and more curious what gift she could possibly find in Vermont that would be worthy of the "the sickest most ridiculous" gift ever.

I assumed it would be something syrup or Ben and Jerry's related. I would've also been thrilled with Ralph Macchio's headband from the first Karate Kid.

Last night I got my gift.

A pound of ground coffee.

Granted it was chocolate raspberry coffee, a favorite of mine, but the sickest, most ridiculous gift ever?

Can't wait for my birthday.

Rock on,


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