Thursday, August 2, 2007


As y'all know, I've had two-three day stubble for the last seven/eight years... problem was it made Josie's face look like she had just kissed sandpaper after a night with me. Though I argued that it was as if I was merely brushing away her dead facial skin like a good exfoliant, she chose not to see the forest for the trees, and though she didn't ask me too, I shaved it off.

Mike, the dude who sits next to me, said I look much younger... cool...younger is good, I guess. Thanks Mike!

Last night, I met Josie for dinner. Waiting for me in front of the restaurant, I walk up to her...she kisses me, feeling my face and says...

"It looks... different."


She claims that it was meant in a good way (I guess it would be like "Yo! Tha' shit is DIFF'RENT!!") -

Maybe I'm a victim of my upbringing, but all I could remember is sitting at the table and mom asking me and Rich what we think of her orange marmalade enthused spaghetti sauce and Rich going, "Umm, well, it's different."

So seriously, what do you think? Does Josie have a leg to stand on here?

I didn't think so...

Rock On,


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