Thursday, June 15, 2006


So starting tomorrow, we are interviewing to fill the serial killer's position (see below)

I told my boss that, not that I don't trust him, but I wanna interview candidates as well. I really dont know what the person will be doing and quite frankly, I dont care. I do have some questions though....

1. If a masked gunman entered the office and told you that he's either gonna kill 10 random people in the office or me, which would you choose?

2. If you are told that you have to get in early for a meeting, is your first reaction...

A. No problem. I'm a team player.


B. Then I'm leaving early.

3. Someone's brought in a box of Godiva chocolates and left them in the kitchen for all to share. There are approx. 40 chocolates and 40 employees. How many do you take?

A. It wouldn't be fair to take more than one.


B. As many as I, I mean you, can shove into your mouth, pockets and an empty cup which you will pretend to sip from as you walk back to your desk.

4. Circle one - Generally speaking, I LIKE/DISLIKE people.

5. Do you have ANY hopes of progressing i your career? And I'm talking any speck or sliver of hope.

6. Do you anticipate eating any food that makes a loud crunch, like pretzels? Do you mind if I do?

7. At the copier, you see that someone has left important looking documents. Do you...

A. Give them to that person


B. Mutter "idiot" under your breath, read them, and put them aside to make your copies.

8. Does your answer change in #7 if I was the idiot?

9. The guy who sits next to appears to do no work - a far as you can tell, he spends his days surfing the Internet and writing something non-work related (for all the time he spends writing, it could be a book!) - Are you...

A. Angry since he should he carrying his weight


B. In awe of him and hoping he will take you under his wing.

10.. Do you find my looks intimidating?

Rock On,


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