Friday, July 1, 2011

The End?

As you can see, I haven't posted here in a while. The main reason is that I just don't have the time.

Not only do I have a day job, but I'm still doing stand-up comedy and writing, I have a six month old baby, two dogs, my own animal rescue, and, last but not least, a wife.

If that isn't enough, I've started to become active in the animal rescue community, pushing for reform in the ongoing nightmare that is the NYC shelter system. You may've seen this video of me at an ACC (Animal Care and Control - They run the NYC shelters...into the ground, I may add)...

Yeah, I'm a lil angry at the current sitch...


Thanks all for reading these posts. I may come back to this (who knows), but for now, if you wanna read what I'm up to, "friend" me on Facebook here, or visit the blog of my animal rescue here, where I will be posting every few days.


Harris Bloom