I'm a comedian, a writer, and an accountant. Guess which one I'd like to quit.
Not only do I perform at comedy clubs but am experienced at helping to organize and perform at fundraisers and benefits, so if you would like to schedule one, and can use a comic to help, feel free to e-mail me at harrisbloom@yahoo.com. Thanks!
Please tell me you don't have a friend named, "Eggbert"! Or is it, "Eggburt"??
harris - it's one g. trust me.
Isn't it a bit late to be learning to spell the name of your best man?
Hey Kirsten,
HA! (Good to see ya back)
Hey Josie,
guess i have to
Hey David,
i have no best man...I am an island unto myself
Rock on,
i heard that's a popular Menonite name.
hey kimberoo99,
especially for a first-born.
rock on,
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