Wednesday, December 26, 2007


My office moved from midtown to downtown a few weeks ago. It was done over a weekend, and my boss, nice guy that he is, didn't want me to have to come in unless there was a problem with the move.

When I was about to leave, the Friday of Moving Weekend, he asked me what was the password to get on my computer. I got nervous.

"Why do you need that?" I asked.
"I just want to make sure nothing happened during the move."
"I"m sure it'll be fine, besides, I backed everything up."
"That's good, but I still want to see."
"Well, maybe I'll come in."
"That's crazy," He said, and laughing, added, "Don't worry, I'm not going to look at your files. I dont care what you have on there."
"I'm not really worried about that."
"Okay, then just give it to me."
"Why don't I just come in?"
"What are you afraid of?" He was starting to get suspicious.
"Then just give it to me. I'm saving you a trip."
"Okay, It's umm, "I", "L", "O", "V","E","J","O","S","I","E."
He snickered. I left.

Rock On,



Anonymous said...

At least you changed it from "R"Y"A"N" "S"E"A"C"R"E"S"T" "I"S" "A" "G"O"D"...

Harris said...

Hey Chris,

Thank God for small favors...and for Ryan Seacrest.

Rock on,
