Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Trip to the Dentist

I've run out of dental insurance for the year (it's been a bad year for my teeth), so when I went in with a bad toothache, I told my dentist, "Just patch it up best ya can... we'll do something longer term in January, if need be."

Of course I knew need would be, but I still had some hope.

ANYWAY, she looked at the offending tooth, and proclaimed, "Wow, that's big," and then made the "tsk, tsk, tsk" sound.

I knew she meant the cavity, but I had to fight to keep from saying, "That's what she said."

And she kept saying it...and I had to keep fighting my urge to say it. When I started sweating, I swear, I don't know if it was cause of the drilling, or my battle my inclination to embarrass myself with a stupid joke.

btw - Instead of some form of Muzak, she plays "sounds of the forest" to relax her patients. Why would I find it soothing to have my teeth drilled while I think a jaguar may be bearing down on me? She brushed up against my leg, I thought I'd gotten bitten by a mongoose.

Rock On,


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