Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thank You, Stewie

As you read, my mom, bro and nephew came over on Thanksgiving to help develop my ulcer.

The day after, I was supposed to accompany Josie to meet like thirty or forty of her relatives, mainly on her mom's side.

Her mom is Mennonite, which isn't a life-form from the planet Mennon (I asked...what?!?) ...no, it's a religion, I think...an off-shoot of Amish (Is that a religion? Y'all can google it if you care that much).

ANYWAY, every year they spend a few daze around Thanksgiving here.

My friends couldn't wait to hear how that went.

Alas, as you know, my pup, Stewie became ill earlier in the week. He got iller and iller (and not in the cool, Beastie Boys kinda way) until I couldn't take him with us, and didn't feel right leaving him with someone.

So I stayed home.

Fast forward to yesterday -All his tests came back negative and thankfully, he's better now.

It's as if he didn't want me to go, or maybe it was the few drops of ammonia that I accidently left near his water dish.

Rock On,


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